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Presentation: How to be an equitable leader so your employees can thrive

14 Nov 2024
  • Shifting to the Equity Mindset: Identify and implement strategies that promote equity over equality to ensure a fairer work environment in your organisation.
  • Building Diverse Teams: Develop and execute initiatives to build diverse teams by actively fostering an equitable and inclusive culture.
  • Mitigate Decision-Making Bias: Apply specific techniques and tools to detect and counteract biases in your decision-making processes.
  • Creating Psychological Safety: Create and maintain a psychologically safe team environment by practising trust-building and candidness among team members.
  • Address the Status Quo: Actively assess and determine your influence by understanding the impacts of personal privilege and organisational power dynamics on inclusivity.
Toby Mildon, Diversity & Inclusion Architect - Mildon
View all Future of Work Europe (updated) 2024